How is your story going to unfold?

A slim Joy after her hypnosis weight loss course

We won’t lie!

  • The following hypnosis tale comes directly to you from the creative imagination of our copywriter.
  • They hope to persuade you to purchase one of our weight loss courses.
  • Or at the very least entice you to try our FREE Weight Loss Pre-Course.
  • So don’t say you haven’t been warned.

“Hi, my name is Joy.”

“That’s me in the photograph.”

“Whenever I Stroll through pharmacies or most high street stores there are endless weight loss products being promoted, each one trying to cash in on our dieting blues.”

“At one time or another we all resolve to lose weight. Yet who do we trust? Do we listen to all those companies telling us how their product works the best? Sign up for a gym membership, where you pay more than you need to. Try every pill or tablet which never work. All these fads cost us a lot of money and they don’t help at all.”

“I on the other hand ordered myself a weight loss hypnotherapy course from Find Hypnosis and I am now leading a healthier slimmer life!”

“Sadly my friends didn’t!”

“They tried all the highly promoted goods sold in stores and found not a lot of difference. They became grouchy and tired as they ate so little and nothing seemed to be happening to their weight. Whereas; I was slowly slimming down to my desired size. I wasn’t tired or grouchy and I’m still not.”

“My Find Hypnosis weight loss course not only worked on changing my eating patterns but it also altered my general behaviour. These 2 changes combined made my amazing story unfold. Losing all the weight at a slow steady pace made me grow in confidence helping me to become both mentally and physically stronger.”

“Being proud of my weight loss showed in the way I behaved. I enjoyed life more, I no longer worried about my body weight. In fact I not only worked harder, I played harder too.”

“The extra amount of energy I had enabled me to create an amazing life which really made a huge impact on my outlook of life as a whole. My new found confidence got me the promotion I wanted and the confidence to build up some revenue to then move on to start my own business. I now own a stable and a lovely collection of horses I only ever travel in first class. My life has completely turned on its head.”

“Reaping the financial rewards of my behavioural changes from using my course I commissioned my very own beach front home and bought a yacht to moor outside!”

“Sitting on a settee stuffing my face with crisps and other fatty foods now seems so far away it might as well have never happened. My new life has come out of my hypnotherapy weight loss course and it has proved to be a great ride.”

“I am just one example of the positive results a Find Hypnosis hypnotherapy course can create. The course really does work. They are different from all the promoted brands in stores, because they change your whole outlook on life and not just food and eating habits. The changes in your behaviour will make your life so much more enjoyable as the worries just aren’t there anymore. It’s time to stop wasting money on pills and gym memberships and time to book yourself in for a slimmer and better life!”

Joy may not exist, but you do. So can we ask;

                     “How is your story going to unfold?”